
A one-tier governance structure comprising an independent Board will be adopted. The Board will be broad-based and representative, comprising not less than 13 and not more than 18 persons. It will include representatives from: The Government of The Gambia as the host country; civil society organizations (farmers’ organizations, NGOs); the private sector; regional (ECOWAS) and sub-regional (CORAF/WECARD) organizations; development partners; NARS from participating ECOWAS member states; and experts with expertise relevant to the Centre. The majority of Board members will be from West Africa and every effort will be made to ensure a balance of expertise relevant to the business of the Centre, including hard and soft sciences, practical experience in organizational development knowledge. Both men and women will have the opportunity to serve on the Board.
Each member will serve a term of three years, with one possible renewal. The Board Chair will be elected from among the membership. Board business will be carried out by relevant committees and by the full Board as determined by the Board itself.
The main functions of the Board are:
- Appointment of the Director General,
- Policy formulation and implementation oversight,
- Approval of revised strategic and implementation plans, annual work plans and budgets,
- Approval of annual financial and audit statements
- Risk management oversight.